Sunday, December 29, 2013

Digestive System

It all started in July after reports of  recreational water illnesses. I had the symptoms and sought a doctor for this. It isn't a pleasant thing to have to do in order for them to identify what illness it could be. The choices are Crypto which is a germ found in peoples stools. Or it could be Shigella which  is from infected pools and water sources. People can get E.Coli by swallowing  lake water. When the test results came back negative, the next step was to go to a "specialist with digestive diseases". After several visits, it was thought to be "passed" and symptoms subsided. Well it wasn't gone. I finally went back to my general doctor and requested some blood tests for many digestive diseases.  The preliminary test came back negative, two days later  the test did confirm celiac disease. This confirms the suspicion that I thought it was.  This is a autoimmune disease. When reading more about this, it is common with other autoimmune diseases including thyroid disease, which I have had for 22 years. At the time of the blood tests, I also had them check my thyroid and the test came back with my thyroid totally out of "whack". Doesn't surprise me, especially when I had gained weight even though my body was reacting to the foods I was eating.
Celiac disease is a condition that damages the lining of the small intestine and prevents it from absorbing parts of food that are important to staying healthy. This is due to the reaction to foods such as rye, wheat, barley and possibly oats. So what does this mean? It means eating healthier,avoiding processed foods, reading every label. Mainly eating fresh fruits and vegetables, main choices of meat, dairy and cheese products. Staying away from breads and pasta are most important but also knowing what is in a food. You need to know what spices or sauces are used and if they are used where wheat can be traced to. Taking beer out of your food group but you can still drink wine. If you cook your own foods at home it makes things a lot easier. In the end, it good to know what the problem is and what I can do about it. There isn't a medicine to fix it, just diet and exercise.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Flu and Cold Season

It's been awhile since my last post. Wow after I wrote that, it sounded like a confession. I, as many have been battling the cold and flu season. Mike started battling it soon after we got back from Vegas. Something about the air in the planes seem to always cause him to get sick. Could it be that they circulate the existing air? Which has many peoples germs in it. Before we left we both double up on Vitamin C, honey and other natural remedies. Last week, Mike finally broke down and went to the DR last week. Yep, he has sinus infection. So an antibiotic for him. Kim at the salon lost her voice the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. And let me tell you, it was pretty quiet in there.. LOL. Unfortunately, it was not just a voice loss for her. She ended up with bronchitis as well as the rest of her family. This caused her to miss a week of work. Now, I don't know about you, but this time of year is very busy for salons. So, I am hoping this week she is able to catch up on the clients list without jeopardizing her health again. Me, well I too started feeling under the weather. So I drink lots of green tea. Did you know Lipton has green tea with honey and lemon? I usually add some more honey to mine. I take my vitamins, get plenty of rest when I can. Oh and hot baths feel so good. I also take Airborne which is a supplement with Herbs, Vitamins and mineral that helps support my immune system. I take this twice a day. Especially when you know the environment is susceptible for sickness. During this flu and cold season, take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Book by Danielle Steel

I don't think I have ever been so moved by a book than "Shared by a Gift of Hope: Helping the Homeless by Danielle Steel.
It is a great read that everyone should read. It made me stop and think about what I have and what others don't have. In this time when gift giving is in full force. Bringing great cheer to others. Let us not forget the ones who aren't as fortunate. Take the time to give to those who are in need.   Let us reflect on those who live on the streets, or in shelters. What about the children whose parents don't have the money to buy them gifts or even provide them with proper food and clothing. So many may think that the "homeless" choose to be that way. Really? Why would someone choose to live in a cardboard box, sleep on a concrete floor or even worse, a dumpster? Some people become homeless because they lost their home in a fire, tornado or hurricane. With economy struggles, some have lost their home. There are more homeless than there is money and support programs for them. The shelters are full, so there is no place in the "inn". The homeless aren't all dangerous. Yes there are those who are hopped up on drugs or drunk. But not all of them are. Most of them are suffering from some sort of mental illness. The programs that are in place are always being cut by government aid, This makes it hard for organizations to reach out to those in need when the funds are cut, and the workload is heavy.
I am thankful for the organizations that are in place to help the homeless, people living in shelters, and those  who are in need.  This holiday season take time and money for those who are less fortunate. Adopt a family which you can get those names from your local human service office or local church. When you hear the bell ringing, give any extra money you can afford. Donate your clothes to your local human service office. And if you see someone on the street, take the opportunity to give them  a smile and say hi.  And remember when you are having a bad day, there is probably someone who is having a  day a lot worse.
